The MEC Chief of Staff Sibongile Sotshongaye with the Human Resources and Development Unit (HRD) visited Bodweni Senior Secondary School (SSS) in Flagstaff under Ngquza Hill Local Municipality as part of the Career Expo Initiative.
The Career Expo is aimed at guiding and bringing knowledge to the learners in order to help them shape their careers after they have passed grade 12.
This Expo was also meant to commemorate Mandela Month. Director (HRDU), Mzie Dingwayo said: “To all invited stakeholders that are here I say thank you very much for the support. You educate a child, you educate the nation. My children, please gather information as much as you can. These stakeholders are here to guide you. National Department of Public Works (NDPW) is here, Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA), DPWI, Department of Education (DOE), Ingwe Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College and Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) are all here for you”.
During his keynote remarks, the Chief of staff said: “Honourable parents who are here today, teachers and Student Governing Body (SGB) unity is power. Success depends on your unity for this school to grow. You must go to the mountain, the mountain will never come to you. As Mandela once said: “Everyone can rise beyond circumstances in which he or she lives, education is a key to freedom “. So during this Mandela month, grab education, my children, it will take you far. On behalf of Honourable MEC Babalo Madikizela please receive these school shoes, pens and sanitary towels that we brought to you. Thank you”.
The school principal, Zamile Nala said that both teachers and the learners were very happy that the Career Expo was a success and they hoped it was not the last time to experience such.