Two years ago, MEC Babalo Madikizela visited Cangci Technical High School, the school was in a dilapidated state and needed infrastructural intervention. The MEC promised the school the construction of an Engineering Graphics Design (EGD) lab using an innovative model. The MEC made good on his promise and constructed the EGD lab and also provided a hands-on Technical Schools Support Programme (TSSP) to local schools and launched it at Cangci Technical School.
Consequently to that, DPWI, led by the Human Resource Development unit, held a Career Expo at Cangci Technical School in Bizana, Alfred Nzo region. This Career Expo was in line with the Technical career opportunities that the department offers to High School learners.
In addition, the Expo was intended to radically alter the path of pupils of Cangci Technical High School and surrounding High Schools situated at Mbizana Local Municipality, through sharing of information on exciting career options. This session afforded learners a basket of institutions and companies to choose from, including educational requirements and funding opportunities.
“This intervention will foster interpersonal skills amongst you, learners, through networking sessions with Exhibitors. As the department, we are here to cater
DPWI brings career opportunities closer to the impoverished areas
for your educational needs therefore feel free to acquire every information you think you might need from us. Make sure you listen attentively and be encouraged to ask where you require more explanation or clarity”, said Mzie Dingwayo Director: of Human Resource Utilisation ad Capacity Development.
The session was later joined by South African Police Service (SAPS) officials, the SAPS officials engaged with the learners about the disadvantages and dangers of teenage pregnancy. In a double-edged sword situation, female learners limit their future career opportunities by losing out on valuable time they could have used to put into motion their future endeavours. In the same breath, male learners can be charged with statutory rape for impregnating a teenager and eventually have criminal records, thereby tempering with career opportunities afforded to them.
“This has been a very informative session and we appreciate what the department has done for our learners. Today, you have brought services closer to pupils who need them the most and that is commendable. Our pupils need this kind of encouragement as sometimes these opportunities miss them because of how impoverished the areas they reside in are, said the Principal of Cangci Technical School, Zwelibanjiwe Mjomi.